Speaking Engagements

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Strategic Advisory*


Doug frequently speaks about the state and evolution of the media business at corporate meetings, industry events, institutional investor conferences and academic institutions, both live and remotely.

See here for an example of a recent presentation.

The most widely-read posts of The Mediator receive 50,000 or more impressions. Doug is always looking for “good questions” and is happy to collaborate on topics.

One of the biggest challenges for senior executives is finding someone who will give them an unvarnished opinion, especially when they might not want to hear it. Doug will provide an “outside” view—the good, bad and, if necessary, the ugly.

Advisory services include:

  • Strategic audit: A candid assessment of strategic positioning, including critical challenges and opportunities

  • Investor positioning and communications: Evaluation of investor perception and how best to communicate an investment case, for both public and private investors

  • Industry analysis and perspective: A holistic perspective on the U.S. media business, especially helpful for non-U.S. companies

    * As a Senior Advisor for Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Doug can refer inquiries to BCG when appropriate.